The aids mention at the end made my eyes widen! Great chapter, Troy very engaging. :)

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Thanks Michael! Awful to think of its being weaponized, even just the threat, but there you go. 😯

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Jun 4Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Banger of an episode, Troy. The voice you create here is just so strong and compelling. I absolutely love it! I think this is one of my favourite entries.

Man, six months for HIV diagnosis back then. Must have been so so harrowing!

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Thank you Nathan, glad to hear it!! It was a strange and scary time, I'm so glad the up and coming kids have more protection, and options that don't stigmatize desire. 💙

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Jun 1Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Buck is so vivid in my imagination from the way you describe him. I love how Lamb, the tender soul that he is continues to dance with these dark characters like the proverbial moth to a flame.

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Oh I'm glad to hear it, with such short episodes to build character, I've gotta do a lot with less. Thanks Ben!

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Jun 1Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Oh my goodness, I shuddered at the thought of a six month wait after something like that. What a thing to have hanging over your head. I (kind of) know Lamb is fictional, but I’m so glad that wasn’t his fate. The ketchup incident gave me a flicker of shame at a chaotic past, but (thankfully) no flashbacks! And the first couple of paragraphs about Fugie are some of my all time favourites of yours. These images you’re coming up with for the chapters are genius, btw. 🐑💜

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Yes, that six month wait used to be an absolute killer - I suppose it's still six months, but with effective treatments and and PrEP nowadays, it's a much different story. Thank you my dear - I'll pass along your appreciation for the pictures to the robot who's producing them ;) xo

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Jun 1Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Ha! Co-producing them :) xx

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God we all know people somebody on a “pendulum” and it’s just so stressful experiencing the swing. Love the voice, Troy. All these internal questions give it a closeness with the reader. 💙☺️

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Thanks Kate! And to think I was afraid of 1st person POV for ages ;)

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Jun 1Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

It’s so. freaking. good. Honestly. It’s great, Mr. Troy. This will be a classic one day and I want it on my shelf. There is an ending I really hope all this is working towards but I don’t want to say it out loud for fear of disappointment so I’ll just quietly live in hope. More, more, more.

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Oh!! Thanks Jill! I am planning to self-publish Lamb next year with bonus material, so....... *hint hint wink wink* ❤️

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Jun 4Liked by Mr. Troy Ford


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Jun 1Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

👏👏👏👏👏👏🥰 I can’t wait.

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I feel like I was there, watching the ketchup and mustard cacophony. I imagine seeing it in slow motion while Jamie Lee Curtis is standing by impatiently, waiting to dress up her hotdog fingers!

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Jun 1Liked by Mr. Troy Ford


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Glorious writing, Troy. Full flavour, with no condiments needed.

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Thanks Jeffrey - maybe just a little relish? ;)

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Weaving Fugie in and out of the story is interesting, making wonder how it's going to continue to play out. This was the first time I wanted to give Lamb a motherly shake and say "wake up buddy, you can do better than this", some gentle but tough love might be needed!

The hot dog stand scene was brilliant! What a visual🤣

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If only it were that easy! I'm not sure what I have in store for Fugie, but I'll try to come up with another scene at some point - writing this on the fly, so... Thanks Donna!

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May 31Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Hahaha! The mustard and catsup scene must make it into a film someday. What a colorful mess.😂

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I would LOVE to see that :) 🌭❤️😂 Thank you my dear xo

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"but with Lamb it was always this pendulum swinging way too far one way or the other." Ooof...this whole story is like that, a pendulum of suspense! Another fantastic, tense chapter, Troy!

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Thank you for saying that, Nadia - maybe I've learned a thing or two since that agent said there wasn't enough tension in my writing? Maybe. ;) xo

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Time to get a new agent! lol

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Thanks for mentioning SoberStack, Troy! And hurray for the work you're doing!

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You’re welcome, Dana and thank you!

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"an overall impression was forming" - that must be the understatement of the century! I shouldn't laugh, it's sad actually, but I couldn't help it... sorry Troy!

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hehe No! Please! Laugh - the narrator, I hope, blunts the beating that Lamb takes throughout this story with his glib wit...

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"the truth is that anyone who spends that much money on a pair of sunglasses is an idiot"

I'll call him Fugie2k henceforth. 😂

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Ha! Perfect - I love it... 😄

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