Oh I would have had the hots for Arthur too! But then...what an asshole with the emotional maturity of a six year old. How long does it take you to create a character like him, or does he simply waltz out of your keyboard and surprise you?!

I hope no one ever called a sex worker in the middle of the night and sent him to your house Troy!

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I'm delighted to say that Lamb is sort of writing itself - no agonies of brain-wracking and revision, for a change. If only it were all so easy! I'm sure I'll be back to the usual self-torture on my next project. 😂 Thanks for being here Donna! xo

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How wonderful and fascinating! This is why I haven't written fiction, I feel that great stories seems to come through the writer, rather than by the writer, and nothing has yet come through me.

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It’s definitely up to the Muse ;)

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May 23Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Oh, what I’d give to sleep all day, party all night, and then curl up (like a creature of the night) and watch Lost Boys with Lamb. Your description of Arthur made me certain I’d met him, such is your way 💜💛🧡

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Yes and yes!

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haha I know, sometimes I feel as though I'm dragging Lamb along through this story like a teddy bear or velveteen rabbit, beloved and bashed in equal measures. I'm certain you've met Arthur before - I've know several Arthurs. ;) Thank you, dear Chloe.

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May 23Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Oh he does have a touch of the velveteen rabbit about him! 🥲

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May 21Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Hahahaha!!! (Sob, sob sob) Lamb, you sure know how to pick ‘em….

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I know, such a lovable dingdong. 🥲 Thanks Kim! xo

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I keep on rooting for Lamb, even though we know from the start that it's not going to end well...! Poor guy.

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That was the hope from the start: falling in love with someone in a downward spiral... Thanks Rhiannon! Nice to see you the other night at Ben's Zoom. :)

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Nice to see you, too! Although maybe not nice if you insist on torturing me emotionally like this, haha!

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🤣 sorry/not sorry xo

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Poor Lamb! These damn dudes just playing with him — it’s not fair!

Great writing as always Troy. Every chapter is such a pleasure to read.

I especially enjoyed this little bit:

“Craig, the little gym bunny Arthur was screwing. Lamb couldn’t be more different. Was Craig even five feet tall? He was a pocket gay” — such fun phrasing.


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I wish I could claim "authorship" for some of these little monikers, but "pocket gay" and others are part of the vernacular... ;) Thanks Michael!

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Well I heard it first here, so surely thats grounds for some level of claiming it.

Thanks Troy :)

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Oh, Lamb, the crushes. The going all in. Too familiar. This is another fantastic chapter. So much between these two. Damn!!

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haha I know, never sure if I want to slap him, hug him, or rip his clothes off... Thanks Holly xo

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Your narrator's voice is so strong. It grips the narrative by the neck like a night club bouncer and hurls it along so compellingly, Troy. Great writing.

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Oh thank you Jeffrey! Flying by the seat of my pants over here, nothing like a deadline to force you to get out of your own way. :)

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May 19Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Another super chapter, Troy. So much detail and nuance to the characters.

Poor Lamb, I really feel for him.

I just read above that "it's about to get much darker..."!! I'm strapped in and ready for the darkness to come!

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Thanks Nathan! Trying to add a new brushstroke each week to this "gothic romance" ;)

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May 18Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Arthur is such a tool. Poor Lamb, looking for love in all the wrong places. I love the title of this one. So perfect.

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I almost changed the title, glad I didn't. Thanks Ben!

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May 18Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

I hope that petty Arthur is not based on someone you know personally … Another enjoyable instalment, thank you, Troy! And I was happy to see Adam Lambert too. Really like his flamboyant style. I find him a fitting stand-in for Freddie Mercury, of whom I’m also a big fan.

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Actually, he's a composite of a few people I knew in younger days. I love Adam, such a showman. Thanks Zibow - appreciate your being here! ❤️

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Lamb's freeloader radar is so broken. Another great chapter, Troy.

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Seriously - big dumb Lamb. Thanks A!

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Happy I remembered to go back to the Whitman thread. There’s a lot more to gain in moving between these texts (yours and Whitmans, as well as yours on Whitman).

So much happening between these friends and lovers, Troy. Enjoying all the complicated relationships.

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I'm glad - it's about to get much darker, I'm afraid... Thanks Kate!

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Oooh this is quite a sexy chapter! I love that you mentioned The Lost Boys. I lost count how many times I watched it. So fitting.

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hehe It's the love child of Billy Wirth and Adam Lambert I see when I think of Arthur. xo

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Lamb certainly has his adventures, even without trying!

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That's a lovely way to look at it ;) Trouble/Adventure, tomato/tomawto :)

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Adventure often comes with some trouble. Lamb seems to have both!

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Young, bat-shit crazy love....I don't miss those days!

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There's a reason Cupid shoots arrows... 💘🏹🩸

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